Master's in Health Education & Psychology of Physical Activity at KU

A young female student is performing squats with a barbell while 2 others look on an a young man is looking at a screen in the background

Program Overview

The master's in health education and psychology of physical activity* at the University of Kansas prepares current and future health promotion and physical activity educators to further their careers in both the public and private sectors.

Career Outcomes in Health Education & Psychology of Physical Activity

The master’s degree in health education and psychology of physical activity* is designed to prepare graduates for positions in their communities, where they plan and develop strategies to improve public health. Potential position titles after graduation could include:

  • Health educator;
  • Community health worker; and
  • Social services manager.

*This program is a master of science in education degree in health, sport management, and exercise science with an emphasis in health education and psychology of physical activity. It does not lead to initial nor advanced teacher education licensure.

Thinking about health education and psychology of physical activity?

Let us know you’re interested in the program. We would love to connect with you to discuss the program’s curriculum, steps necessary for admission to KU, affordability options, and perhaps what to expect during your time on campus once you have become a Jayhawk.


Public School of Education & Human Sciences
Average number of students admitted per semester
Total graduate credit hours required

An aerial view of Joseph R. Pearson Hall from the East side
Department of Health, Sport & Exercise Sciences
University of Kansas
School of Education and Human Sciences
Robinson Center , Rm. 161
1301 Sunnyside Avenue
Lawrence , Kansas 66045-7567