Minor in Sport Management at KU

Sport Management Minor Overview
The minor in sport management provides KU students with a core set of skills in sport management, including literacy in sport marketing, sport finance, personnel management, and the sociological aspects of sport. Students will also have a wide variety of electives from which to choose, including sport facilities, sport in film, sport communication, and experiential learning in sport. This minor is designed for students with an interest in the theory of the sporting context and/or students who will use principles of the sport field in their anticipated profession.
Career Statistics
Customizable curriculum
With only 18 required credit hours, students are able to complement their major with a minor that supports their career goals.
Unique availability
Students at KU have the opportunity to take advantage of one of the only sport management minors available in the Midwest region.
Widely applicable
The minor is designed for students interested in careers that intersect with sociology, psychology, journalism, business, and more.
Graduate study
Those who choose to pursue an advanced degree after graduation are considered for many highly-selective master's & doctoral programs across the U.S.
Public School of Education & Human Sciences
Total number of credit hours