Biomechanics Laboratory

Our scope


Collaborations & Services:
- Educational and training opportunities for KU students via internships, research assistants, and coursework.
- Collaborate with other KU departments and other HSES laboratories on the Lawrence Campus.
- Collaborate with the Orthopedic Sports Medicine Research Team with Dr. Bryan Vopat in KU Medical Center, The University of Kansas Health System Sports Medicine and Performance Center (a PT clinic in Overland Park, Kansas City), and the Exercise & Human Performance Laboratory (Edwards Campus with Dr. Ashley Herda).
Opportunities for Students & Fellow Researchers:
The Biomechanics Laboratory is always open to students who are interested in studying exercise science, sports science, and/or biomechanics in human movements at the University of Kansas. Students will be engaged in research activities, including learning professional equipment, assisting with data collection and processing, and participating in professional conferences. Students are also encouraged and highly supported to develop their own projects for their goals. You are welcome to contact our lab to discuss your interests.
Testing Capabilities & Equipment:
The Biomechanics Laboratory is a 2,500-square-foot facility housing in Robinson Center #248. The laboratory includes a data collection area, a teaching area, and an office area.
- Eight Infrared Cameras (Vicon Vero 2.2)
- Vicon Nexus Motion Capture System
- Two Embedded 3D Force Platforms (Bertec, 600 * 900 cm)
- Two Portable 2-axis Force Platforms (PASCO PS-2142) with two handle sets
- Capstone Force Analysis Software
- Delsys Trigno Research EMG System with multiple Trigno Avanti Sensors
- Two High-speed Video Cameras
- MaxTRAQ 2D Video Tracking Software
- Eight Heavy Duty Cameras Tripods & Four Phone Tripods
- FMS Test Kit & Y-Balance Test Kit
- Dashr Timing System
- Physician Scale
- Vertec Jump Trainer
- 86’’ Standard TV & Dell Laptops & PC
- Spin Bikes and Treadmill
Collaborations & Services:
- Educational and training opportunities for KU students via internships, research assistants, and coursework.
- Collaborate with other KU departments and other HSES laboratories on the Lawrence Campus.
- Collaborate with the Orthopedic Sports Medicine Research Team with Dr. Bryan Vopat in KU Medical Center, The University of Kansas Health System Sports Medicine and Performance Center (a PT clinic in Overland Park, Kansas City), and the Exercise & Human Performance Laboratory (Edwards Campus with Dr. Ashley Herda).
Opportunities for Students & Fellow Researchers:
The Biomechanics Laboratory is always open to students who are interested in studying exercise science, sports science, and/or biomechanics in human movements at the University of Kansas. Students will be engaged in research activities, including learning professional equipment, assisting with data collection and processing, and participating in professional conferences. Students are also encouraged and highly supported to develop their own projects for their goals. You are welcome to contact our lab to discuss your interests.
Testing Capabilities & Equipment:
The Biomechanics Laboratory is a 2,500-square-foot facility housing in Robinson Center #248. The laboratory includes a data collection area, a teaching area, and an office area.
- Eight Infrared Cameras (Vicon Vero 2.2)
- Vicon Nexus Motion Capture System
- Two Embedded 3D Force Platforms (Bertec, 600 * 900 cm)
- Two Portable 2-axis Force Platforms (PASCO PS-2142) with two handle sets
- Capstone Force Analysis Software
- Delsys Trigno Research EMG System with multiple Trigno Avanti Sensors
- Two High-speed Video Cameras
- MaxTRAQ 2D Video Tracking Software
- Eight Heavy Duty Cameras Tripods & Four Phone Tripods
- FMS Test Kit & Y-Balance Test Kit
- Dashr Timing System
- Physician Scale
- Vertec Jump Trainer
- 86’’ Standard TV & Dell Laptops & PC
- Spin Bikes and Treadmill