Andrew C Fry

- Professor
- Director, Jayhawk Athletic Performance Laboratory
- School of Education and Human Sciences, Department of Health, Sport & Exercise Sciences
Contact Info
Biography —
Andrew Fry is a professor in the Department of Health, Sport & Exercise Sciences at the University of Kansas. He received his degrees from Nebraska Wesleyan University, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Penn State University. During his two year post-doctoral training, Andy studied cellular and molecular muscle physiology at Ohio University. This was followed by thirteen years at the University of Memphis where he was the Director of the Exercise Biochemistry Laboratory. It was also at Memphis that he met his wife, Dr. Mary Fry, who is a Sport and Exercise Psychologist, and together they were joined by their two children, Jared (22) and Lindsey (21). Since arriving at the University of Kansas, Andy has spent considerable time helping develop the Jayhawk Athletic Performance Laboratory. His research interests over the years have consistently focused on physiological and performance responses and adaptations to resistance exercise, as well as over-training. He has been very involved professionally, and has served on the Board of Directors, including a term as Vice President, of the National Strength & Conditioning Association. He was recently honored by the NSCA with the Boyd Epley Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to the profession.
Dr. Fry specializes in resistance exercise, skeletal muscle physiology, endocrine responses & adaptation to exercise, and overtraining.
Education —
Research —
Dr. Fry's research agenda has consistently focused on resistance exercise and the accompanying physiological and performance responses and adaptations. In particular, his research has examined the endocrine and skeletal muscle systems. By studying the interaction of the hormonal environment and the cellular and molecular aspects of muscle, a greater understanding of the mechanisms of training adaptations can result. To best examine these relationships, a thorough understanding of the variations of the training stimuli is necessary. Only in this manner can the exercise and sport scientist translate their research results for practical applications in the field. Recent work has included the following:
Research interests:
- Endocrine and cellular signaling pathway responses to variations in the resistance exercise protocol
- Development of resistance exercise testing modalities and protocols
- Overtraining, stressful training and performance decrements with resistance exercise
- Muscle fiber characteristics and their relationships with muscle performance
- Muscle performance testing of pre-adolescent children
- skeletal muscle physiology
- exercise endocrinology
- biomechanics
- resistance exercise
- overtraining
- sport performance
Teaching —
Dr. Fry's teaching encompasses the areas of functional anatomy, anatomical kinesiology, strength and conditioning physiology and programming, and physiology of the skeletal muscle and endocrine systems.
Teaching interests:
- exercise physiology, biomechanics, exercise endocrinology, resistance exercise, functional anatomy
Selected Publications —
Luebbers, P. E., Ph. D., & Fry, A. C., Ph. D. (2016). The Kansas squat test modality comparison: free-weight vs. Smith machine. [Journal Articles]. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30(8), 2186–2193.
Selected Presentations —
Bryce, A. R., Fry, A. C., Sterczala, A. J., & Nicoll, J. X. (7/31/2016). A correlational analysis of readiness measures and peak barbell velocity performance. Presented at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2016. New Orleans, LA
Trevino, M. A., Miller, J. D., Fry, A. C., Gallagher, P. M., Vardiman, J. P., & Herda, T. J. (7/31/2016). A noninvasive test for estimating type I myosin heavy chain of the vastus lateralis with electromyographic signal decomposition and mechanomyography. Presented at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2016. New Orleans, LA
Carbuhn, A., Sanchez, Z., Fry, A. C., Reynolds, M., & Magee, L. (7/31/2016). A simplified prediction model for thigh and shank bone stress injuries in male collegiate endurance athletes. Presented at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2016. New Orleans, LA
Sterczala, A. J., Herda, T. J., Weir, J. P., Fry, A. C., & Nicoll, J. X. (7/31/2016). Acute caffeine supplementation does not affect motor unit behavior during submaximal isometric contractions. Submitted to present at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2016. New Orleans, LA
Dietz, P. R., Fry, A. C., Nicoll, J. X., Sterczala, A. J., Carbuhn, A. F., & Herda, T. J. (7/31/2016). Acute hormone response to slow velocity and traditional velocity resistance exercise. Presented at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2016. New Orleans, LA
Mosier, E. M., Fry, A. C., Lane, M. T., Moodie, P., & Moodie, R. (7/31/2016). Kinetic contributions of upper limbs during eccentric and concentric phases of counter-movement vertical jumps with and without arm swing. Presented at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2016. New Orleans, LA
Lane, M. T., Fry, A. C., Herda, T. J., Weir, J. P., & Herda, A. A. (7/31/2016). Myosin heavy chain composition relationships to a fatiguing isotonic performance. Presented at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2016. New Orleans, LA
Luebbers, P. E., Kriley, L. M., Fry, A. C., Andre, M. J., & Butler, M. S. (7/31/2016). Salivary cortisol and testosterone responses to six weeks fo practical blood flow restriction in collegiate American football players. Presented at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2016. New Orleans, LA
Nicoll, J. X., Sterczala, A. J., Bryce, A. R., & Fry, A. C. (7/31/2016). The role of forskolin supplementation on resting skeletal muscle cAMP concentrations in humans. Presented at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2016. New Orleans, LA
Fry, A. C. (2/28/2016). The impact of overtraining on sport performance. Greenbush Spring Sports Coaching Workshop. Eudora, KS
Bryce, A. R., Fry, A. C., Lane, M. T., Giancana, N., Spencer, R., & Scherer, E. (10/31/2015). Comparison of bench press peak force at various intensities between the Tsunami barball and an Olympic standard barbell. Central States ACSM Conference 2015. Warrensburg, MO
Blocker, E., Blaufuss, V., Fry, A. C., & Luebbers, P. (10/31/2015). Fitness adaptations after six weeks of moderate intensity or high-intensity exercise training in older adults. Central States ACSM Conference 2015. Warrensburg, MO
Fry, A. C. (10/31/2015). In-season strength training for wrestling. Greenbush Winter Sports Coaching Workshop. Eudora, KS
Nicoll, J. X., Sterczala, A. J., & Fry, A. C. (10/31/2015). Resting MAPK expression remains stable after 1-week cessation of resistance exercise training. Central States ACSM Conference 2015. Warrensburg, MO
Trevino, M. A., Mosier, E. M., Miller, J. D., Fry, A. C., Gallagher, P. M., Vardiman, J. P., ...Herda, T. J. (10/31/2015). The influence of type I myosin heavy chain expression on motor unit firing rates of the vastus lateralis in vivo. Central States ACSM Conference 2015. Warrensburg, MO
Sterczala, A. J., Nicoll, J. X., & Fry, A. C. (10/31/2015). The relationship between performance decrements and peak EMG amplitude following resistance exercise overtraining. Central States ACSM Conference 2015. Warrensburg, MO
Fry, A. C., Hudy, A., Cain, G., Wagner, P., Williams, K. J., & Reese, S. (10/31/2015). Vertical jump ground reaction forces are related to NCAA D1 men’s basketball game performances – a pilot study. Central States ACSM Conference 2015. Warrensburg, MO
Fry, A. C. (8/31/2015). Exercise physiology and biomechanics for weightlifting. USA-Weightlifting Level 2 Coaching Symposium 2015. Mid-America Nazarene University, Olathe, KS
Fry, A. C. (7/31/2015). Bridging the gap in sport science – easier said than done. National Strength and Conditioning Association Conference 2015. Orlando, FL
Dietz, P. R., Fry, A. C., Herda, T. J., Lane, M. T., & Andre, M. J. (7/31/2015). Kinematic properties of slow velocity and traditional velocity resistance training sessions. National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2015. Orlando, FL
Mosier, E. M., Fry, A. C., Moodie, P., & Moodie, R. (7/31/2015). Kinetic contributions of the upper limbs during counter-movement vertical jumps with and without arm swing. National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2015. Orlando, FL
Bryce, A., Fry, A. C., Hudy, A., Sterczala, A. J., Cain, G., & Deitz, P. R. (7/31/2015). Lower body power and playing time in division 1 basketball players. National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2015. Orlando, FL
Lane, M. T., Fry, A. C., Herda, A. A., Herda, T. J., & Weir, J. P. (7/31/2015). Myosin heavy chain composition is related to leg extension velocity and power performance. National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2015. Orlando, FL
Fry, A. C., Sterczala, A. J., Hogue, C. M., Fry, M. D., & Nicoll, J. X. (7/31/2015). Salivary cortisol does not exhibit an anticipatory response prior to physical activity instruction in a research setting. National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2015. Orlando, FL
Trevino, M., Mosier, E. M., Gallagher, P. M., Herda, T. J., & Fry, A. C. (7/31/2015). The influence of type I myosin heavy chain expression on motor unit control properties during a sub-maximal isometric contraction. National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2015. Orlando, FL
Lane, M. T., Fry, A. C., Herda, T. J., Weir, J. P., & Herda, A. A. (5/31/2015). Myosin heavy chain composition is related to vertical jump performance. ACSM National Conference 2015. San Diego, CA
Alayafi, Y., Alsulaiman, M., Aljaloud, K., Jabbary, A., Aljaloud, S., Aldayle, A., ...Gallagher, P. M. (4/30/2015). The physiological effect of fasting the month of Ramadan on anthropometrics and blood variables. Experimental Biology Conference 2015. San Diego, CA
Awards & Honors —
National Strength and Conditioning Association
Research Achievement Award
National Strength and Conditioning Association
Outstanding Sport Scientist of the Year
National Strength and Conditioning Association
Outstanding Academic Book (for Overtraining in Sport)
Choice - Current Reviews for Academic Libraries
Outstanding Junior Investigator Award
National Strength and Conditioning Association
Phi Kappa Phi
National Academic Honor Society