Ian Stand

Ian Stand

Contact Info


  • I completed a Master’s of Science Education, Sport and Exercise Psychology in 2018.
  • I am currently an American Indian Culture and Education Program (Lead Teacher) / Adult Education Instructor (Administrative Assistant, Certificate Program) / Power-lifter, CA state record (squat) / Basketball coach / Student in UC Berkeley's teacher credentialing program.
  • A favorite memory of mine are from the team building exercises the lab group would do together. These activities were special to me and they stick out in my mind as happy memories that I shared with my Sport and Exercise Psychology 'Family'. Mary really set the tone for a family-like atmosphere which made us all feel at home and allowed us to work great as a team! It's the type of experience where you are having so much fun, you don't realize you are learning until later down the road when you reflect back and realize the brilliance that is Mary Fry. I will be forever grateful for my time with the KU Sport & Exercise Psychology Lab.